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BMC Genomics

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Using transcriptomics to enable a plethodontid salamander (Bolitoglossa ramosi) for limb regeneration research

Exclusivity offers a sound yet practical species criterion for bacteria despite abundant gene flow​​​​​​​

Bivariate genome-wide association analysis strengthens the role of bitter receptor clusters on chromosomes 7 and 12 in human bitter taste



With World Humanitarian Day falling on 19th August, the BMC Series decided to focus on health disparities in August’s focus issue. Browse our biology, chemistry and medical titles for insight into health disparities, including racial health disparities, socioeconomic health disparities and regional disparities


Archaic mitochondrial DNA inserts in modern day nuclear genomes

Human genome scanning revealed the presence of a nuclear insert of mitochondrial DNA most likely to be a result of admixture between Neanderthals and Denisovans.


  1. Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals ecological adaption of cold tolerance in northward invasion of Alternanthera philoxeroides

    Authors: Landi Luo, Xiangxiang Kong, Zean Gao, Yan Zheng, Yunqiang Yang, Xiong Li, Danni Yang, Yupeng Geng and Yongping Yang

    Content type: Research article

  2. 花猫加速器官网

    猫咪加速器appKunyin Jiang, Hongtao Nie, Dongdong Li and Xiwu Yan

    Content type: Research article

  3. Fine mapping of the BnUC2 locus related to leaf up-curling and plant semi-dwarfing in Brassica napus

    Authors: Chengwei Huang, Mao Yang, Danlei Shao, Yangming Wang, Shubei Wan, Jianbo He, Zuqing Meng and Rongzhan Guan

    Content type: Research article

  4. Genome-wide scan for common variants associated with intramuscular fat and moisture content in rainbow trout

    一只猫加速器Ali Ali, Rafet Al-Tobasei, Daniela Lourenco, Tim Leeds, Brett Kenney and Mohamed Salem

    Content type: Research article

  5. Metagenomic data-mining reveals enrichment of trimethylamine-N-oxide synthesis in gut microbiome in atrial fibrillation patients

    Authors: Kun Zuo, Xiaoqing Liu, Pan Wang, Jie Jiao, Chunming Han, Zheng Liu, Xiandong Yin, Jing Li and Xinchun Yang

    Content type: Research article

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  1. A tale of three next generation sequencing platforms: comparison of Ion Torrent, Pacific Biosciences and Illumina MiSeq sequencers

    Authors: Michael A Quail, Miriam Smith, Paul Coupland, Thomas D Otto, Simon R Harris, Thomas R Connor, Anna Bertoni, Harold P Swerdlow and Yong Gu

    Content type: Research article

  2. 花猫加速器官网

    Authors: Birgit Kulterer, Gerald Friedl, Anita Jandrositz, Fatima Sanchez-Cabo, Andreas Prokesch, Christine Paar, Marcel Scheideler, Reinhard Windhager, Karl-Heinz Preisegger and Zlatko Trajanoski

    Content type: Research article

  3. The RAST Server: Rapid Annotations using Subsystems Technology

    花猫加速器破解版下载Ramy K Aziz, Daniela Bartels, Aaron A Best, Matthew DeJongh, Terrence Disz, Robert A Edwards, Kevin Formsma, Svetlana Gerdes, Elizabeth M Glass, Michael Kubal, Folker Meyer, Gary J Olsen, Robert Olson, Andrei L Osterman, Ross A Overbeek, Leslie K McNeil…

    Content type: Database

  4. Temperature during early development has long-term effects on microRNA expression in Atlantic cod

    Authors: Teshome Tilahun Bizuayehu, Steinar D Johansen, Velmurugu Puvanendran, Hilde Toften and Igor Babiak

    Content type: Research article

  5. Comprehensive characterization and RNA-Seq profiling of the HD-Zip transcription factor family in soybean (Glycine max) during dehydration and salt stress

    Authors: Vikas Belamkar, Nathan T Weeks, Arvind K Bharti, Andrew D Farmer, Michelle A Graham and Steven B Cannon

    Content type: Research article

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BMC Genomics is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on all aspects of genome-scale analysis, functional genomics, and proteomics.


  • Matteo Pasini, BMC

Assistant Editors

  • Alexandria Latto, BMC
  • Arwa Tawfiq, BMC

Section Editors

  • Shane C Burgess,猫咪加速器app
  • Leonid Bystrykh, University of Groningen
  • Alexei Fedorov, University of Toledo
  • Scott E Hemby, 快喵加速器
  • David Lightfoot, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
  • Leonard Schalkwyk, King's College London
  • Jacqueline Smith, The Roslin Institute
  • Theo Smits, Zürich University for Applied Sciences
  • Stefan Wiemann, German Cancer Research Center


As a result of the significant disruption that is being caused by the COVID-19 pandemic we are very aware that many researchers will have difficulty in meeting the timelines associated with our peer review process during normal times.  Please do let us know if you need additional time. Our systems will continue to remind you of the original timelines but we intend to be highly flexible at this time.

Jacqueline Smith, Section Editor

Dr. Jacqueline Smith is a Career Track Fellow at The Roslin Institute in Edinburgh. She joined the Editorial Board of BMC Genomics in 2015.



花猫加速器官网 advocates complete and transparent reporting of research. The BMC minimum standards of reporting checklist is intended as a tool for authors to transparently describe their research and ensure reproducibility. We encourage our authors to adhere to these standards when preparing their manuscript.


Research Data Support is an optional Springer Nature service available to researchers who have datasets they want to make easier to cite, share and find. Learn more about this service and the many benefits of making your data publicly available. 

BMC Series Blog

  • Antibiotic prescribing in England, and how this relates to the local area

    Antibiotic prescribing in England, and how this relates to the local area

    03 August 2023

  • COVID-19: The Health Inequity Magnifier

    COVID-19: The Health Inequity Magnifier

    20 July 2023

  • BMC Series highlights: June 2023

    BMC Series highlights: June 2023

    20 July 2023

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  • Citation Impact
    3.594 - 快喵加速器
    4.093 - 5-year Impact Factor
    1.140 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP)
    1.629 - SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)

    5590 Altmetric Mentions

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The editors of 快喵加速器 support initiatives that expedite the peer review process and are happy to consider manuscripts that have been reviewed in Peerage of Science. Please indicate in your cover letter if this applies to your manuscript.
